About Us

As we look towards the future beyond COVID-19 it is apparent that the way we work, travel, and gather will be forever changed. With that in mind, conference and event planners need to consider other ways to launch products, have company meetings and much more without the need to physically attend. Do not fear change. We are here to guide and support you every step of the way. It is clear that virtual and hybrid events are the best alternative to postponement or cancellation. Our services are modular and scalable for events of all shapes and sizes.

Our Services

  1. Physical Meetings

    Conferences bring large groups of people together to exchange ideas, network and do business. When you attend an event or a conference there are normally several opportunities built-in throughout the day to mingle with you fellow delegates from hospitality breaks and breakout sessions through to exploring exhibition space. Swapping businesses cards, sharing stories and learning more about people helps to establish trust and paves the way for successful business relationships. This is hard to achieve when simply attending an online gathering in isolation but we can help you optimize and have the best of both worlds through hybrid events.

  2. Virtual Meetings

    A virtual conference eliminates the need to travel and be at a physical venue to attend the event. It saves a lot of time and cost for everyone involved. It also ensures that anyone from any part of the world can be a part of the conference. Thus, a virtual conference attracts more people and is accessible to all without any geographical limitations.
    Online conferences can also prevent jetlag and other travel-related stress. By choosing to host a virtual conference, you can keep your event live for however long the platform you have chosen allows.

  3. Hybrid Meetings

    A hybrid event is a tradeshow, conference, seminar, workshop or other meeting that combines a “live” in-person event with a “virtual” online component.

    With the growing popularity and cost-effectiveness of virtual events, hybrid events have become a popular way of increasing participation in traditional events at a relatively low cost. They also enable participation by people who might be unable to attend physically due to travel or time zone constraints or through a wish to reduce the carbon footprint of the event.

Why Hybrid Conferencing ?

No matter if your conference or event is live, virtual or hybrid, one thing never changes: the real connections people make with each other. And whether live or in person, it is more important than ever to bring people together. The Hybrid-Conferencing platform is a global solution to meet your unique needs. We are the only platform to integrate professional interpretation services to enable you to connect your virtual or in-person attendees, wherever they are in the world, in their own language.

Ranging from small productions in a home office – where we would provide support – to full production teams working in a venue or event space with a reduced number of delegates and staff; our tailor-made packages cover all requirements.

From all of us at Hybrid Conferencing, a virtual high-five! You are taking a bold first step into the virtual and hybrid space. We are looking forward to technically support you on your way to success withing the virtual network.

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